Assessing the Effectiveness of ‘Pragna’ Educational Materials in Catering to the Learning Needs of Students with Sensory Disabilities By Dr. Santosh Yadav


Educational materials play a vital role in shaping students’ learning experiences and are fundamental to the educational process. These materials include textbooks, workbooks, visual aids, digital content, and other instructional tools. Well-designed educational materials enhance the comprehension of subject matter and cater to diverse learning styles, making education accessible to a broader spectrum of students (Haleem et al., 2022). It create a welcoming and nurturing learning environment by addressing learners’ diverse needs, preferences, and abilities. Adaptation and accommodation of educational materials are essential to determine inclusivity and equal access to learning opportunities. Hence, researcher planned to assess the effectiveness of ‘Pragna’ Educational Materials in catering to the learning needs of SwDs. A descriptive survey method was followed. The ‘researcher made rating scale (RMRS) was developed by the researcher and used as the tool for data collection. A total of 222 teachers working in mainstream schools and following pragna as a methodology for teaching-learning were randomly selected. Percentage, mean scores, ‘z’ test, and one–way ANOVA were used to analyse the collected data. The study revealed that the majority of the teachers found the recommended educational materials highly suitable for teaching SwDs. Further, the study observed no significant difference in the suitability scores of educational materials between male & female teachers of students with sensory disabilities through pragna in mainstream primary schools. Also, it concluded that the difference in the experience of teachers has no impact on the teacher’s suitability of recommended educational material for educating SwSDs. The success of any educational practice depends on teachers’ knowledge and expertise in handling diverse learners and the recommended educational practice.

Keywords: effectiveness pragna, educational materials students with sensory disabilities

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