Guidelines to Contributors

Respected Faculty/Scholar,
We would like to invite all academicians from various disciplines to contribute research papers and articles for our journals for their forthcoming issues. Manuscripts should focus on the branch of study ‘education’ and its allied areas such as educational psychology, educational technology, educational sociology, assessment and evaluation, methods of teaching etc.

Who can Publish?
Researchers, academicians, teachers, book reviewers, students, research guides etc.

Procedure of submitting articles:
Step 1: Submit article online and wait till gets the Review report/Acceptance letter
Step 2: Make the modification/changes as per review report, and then resubmit the article.
Step 3: A declaration on the copyright is to be submitted in the given format by post.
Step 4: Publication of the Article by the Editor. Link to the article may be sent to the contributor(s).
Step 5: The hard copy of the journal will be dispatched to Contributors’ postal address (hard copy is given on payment only).
NB: We do not charge any Publication Fee for the paper publication. Kindly neglect sending papers through any agent/ any mediator.


The Authors are expected to submit original scholarly articles in the following format.

1. Files: Send files in .DOC or .DOCX format. You are requested to use Times New Roman with 12 font size with 1.5 space between the lines. Justify the main text and indent first lines of paragraphs rather than spacing between them. Avoid tabs. Please number all pages except the cover page.
2. Organization of manuscript:
-Cover Page: Place the title, author name(s), contact information with phone/fax number for the corresponding author, and a biographical sketch for each author on the cover page.
-Abstract: Cover sheet should be followed by an abstract summarizing the main conclusions of the paper. Abstract should be followed by Key words.
-Main body: Start the main body of the paper on the Next page to cover page.
-Page Numbers: There would be no page number in the cover page.
-Tables and figures: We encourage using appropriate graphics to explain, illustrate, and summarize concepts and results without lengthy prose. Please keep the title and captions brief while placing the titles above tables and captions beneath figures. Do not embed numbers or captions in images; instead, place them outside the image, but on the same page. Tables & figures must be followed by references.
-Graphs and Charts: Graphs and charts should fit the width of 1 or 2 columns. For labels use 9-point or 10-point Times New Roman type.
-Citations: Citations of other works should be limited to those which are strictly necessary. Short quotations should be included in the text within inverted commas (“ ”) while quotations of more than 30 words should be placed in a separate paragraph indented from the main body of the text. However, all quotations should be accompanied by precise references.
-References: References should be written in APA format (sample entries have been attached herewith).
The soft copy should not have headers and footers, as well as page numbers and should be submitted online