In this paper attempt has been made to examine the health and hygiene facilities available for children residing in children homes of Himachal Pradesh. Childhood is the most crucial and important stage of human life. A healthy childhood is essential for good future and personality development. Researches have shown that children in institutions lack basic life skills such as social and cultural skills to function in their societies, have lower levels of educational achievement, and have problems in adjustment after they leave the orphanage. So, this study was conducted to know that what facilities are available and given to the children residing in these children homes related to their health and hygiene. All the institution in-charges, children residing in five different children homes in district Chamba were selected as sample for the present investigation. The investigator found that there is needed to improve and updates the health and hygiene facilities available in these institutions for the healthy and harmonious development of the personality of these children.
Keywords: Health, Hygiene, Orphan, Family, Physical health.
[1] Associate Professor, Department of Education, ICDEOL, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5, H.P.
[2] Research Scholar, Department of Education, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5.