World today is divided by hatred, mistrust and prejudices. This has resulted into creation of impregnable walls of hegemony and sharply drawn boundaries. Moreover, polity and economies the world over suffer from tentativeness and indecision. They are riddled with scams and corruption resulted from arbitrary decision on the one hand and tremendous amount of loses and in repairable damage resulted from non decision and essence of strong leadership in a vitiated atmosphere like this, Hamlet sends across a strong message to the people who matter. Big Willy wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1601, and the play tells the story of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet, in particular, has a lot of “most famous” things in it. It is Shakespeare’s most famous play about Shakespeare’s most famous character Hamlet, and it contains Shakespeare’s most famous line: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” If extraterrestrials were to visit Planet Earth, we would probably put a copy of Hamlet in their welcome basket. It’s that good. Now, over 400 years after William Shakespeare wrote the play, readers and audiences are still connecting with it. Here I am going to discuss Relevance of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in today’s society.
Keywords: Modern society, Hamlet’s relevance, Psychological conditions of human beings.
[1] Associate Professor & Head, Dept. Of English, Bhavan’s Shri A.K. Doshi Mahila College, Jamnagar.